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Look inside a VELUX Design Consultation

Are you looking to install a skylight but not sure where to begin? Our VELUX Daylight Experts can help you determine which product best fits your needs and connect you with a VELUX Certified Installer. Our virtual design consultation lasts about 30-minutes, so you can attend the online consultation right from the comfort of your home and show us exactly where you’d like to add or replace your skylight! 

We want to make your skylight journey as effortless and worry-free as possible, so we have put together a guide to prepare you for your online consultation.   

Questions to Consider Before your Consultation 

1. The "Room" 

Most often, "where do you want to add skylights" is the first question you will need to consider before planning your skylight installation. Skylights can be added to almost any room in your home, so knowing what you're trying to improve (daylight, fresh air, etc.) and what you are trying to achieve are two good questions to ask yourself before your consultation. Your consultant will review options for traditional skylights, Sun Tunnel®, Skylights, and roof windows based on where you want skylights. If you're unsure which room you want to install your skylight or sun tunnel in, get inspired with our room guide. 

2. The "Interior" 

What is this room used for? If you are interested in installing a skylight in a bedroom, our design expert may recommend a room-darkening accessory. Are you looking for extra daylight in your kitchen or bathroom? You may need a venting skylight. Having the room's measurements will also help determine which size of skylight is the right fit for you. 

3. The "Roof" 

Is your ceiling flat or vaulted? Knowing what type of roof you have can help our daylight expert suggest a suitable product model for your space. If you're not sure what kind of roof you have, don't worry; try to determine whether it is flat, low, medium, or steep. 

Compare how flat and vaulted ceiling skylight installations look in the photos below.

4. The "Exterior" 

Does your roof face North, East, South, or West? This information is essential to determine what kind of light will come through the skylight and at what time of day. Go outside and look to see what direction your roof faces. Most smartphones include a compass app if you're unsure how your home is oriented. 

If you haven't already, Book your 30-minute Design Consultation 

Remember, our design consultation is the time to ask any question you may have. In addition to being daylight designers, our skylight design consultants are technical experts. Ask them anything about our products and how they work. We're here to help!